1. From The Car Connection, a computer drawing made in 2002.
2. Artist drawing from Motor Trend, said to be a guess of what the 2006 "Wagoneer" extended Grand Cherokee might look like - although in the drawing the vehicle does not look extended.
3. Another "Wagoneer" artist drawing from Motor Trend.
4. Source unknown, but this originated from an official press release photo of the 2002 Grand Cherokee. The "sides" of the Commander concept vehicle were cut-out and overlaid over the 2002 photo. Most of the rest of the photo was left intact. It's possible that this was also a focus group test photo circa 2001.
5. Source unknown, same vehicle as above but the image is reversed and the color of the vehicle changed. The seems to have been done recently, by someone altering photo #4.
6. Also from The Car Connection. A 2004 model WJ with photoshopped front grille and headlamps.